Monday, September 16, 2013

Homework Journal

Flexibility is the name of our game!!! After recieving tons of awesome homework last week I realized that the "homework beast" was bigger than me! I found it very overwhelming to keep track of so many loose papers. Sooo....I stole an idea from the wonderful Mrs. Hughes! We are now starting a homework journal. This is where ALL homework will be completed. We have had wonderful moms volunteer by tearing pages out of our practice math and reading booklets. The homework will be stapled into the journal for each kiddo. Spelling can be completed right behind the stapled sheets on the spiral notebook paper. This will make turning in homework on Friday a breeze!! Reading logs will stay in our red folders! Don't forget to KEEP READING every night! It truly does pay off!

Thanks for understanding the change in homework procedures. If you have anyquestions please email me