Your favorite thing in the world to do at home with your kids is.......HOMEWORK....right? While homework may not top your list of favorites to do at night, I hope that our Homework Pencil will make it clear and easy to understand. The Homework Pencil will be coming home today in your child's folder. This includes spelling words, nightly activities and our high frequency word list of the week. You will also notice our Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe sheet. This is a list of fun activities students can do with their spelling words. If you want to be creative and do something that is NOT on the list that is more than okay just shoot me a post-it note letting me know! If you ever have questions please don't hesitate to ask!
P.S. Reading logs will be hopefully coming home on Tuesday. This will be the same reading log that Mrs. Kanak will use for the library challenge.