Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Reminders and Appreciations

Good Morning All,

We are so excited for our field trip tomorrow. Just a few reminders...
  • WEAR your yellow class t-shirt
  • We are leaving school at 9 to head toward SBF. If you would like to meet us there we would love to have you!
  • Kids recieved a plastic baggie to put their lunch in. Remember it all has to be thrown away before getting back on the bus.
  • Tennis shoes are a must, lots of walking
  • All students must ride the to and from SBF

Have a mentioned lately that we have the BEST class and the BEST parents at Bee Cave! If not, please let me tell you again. I am so thankful to have found this school as my new home and look forward to an amazing year. A special shout out goes to a special parent for donating lot of goodies to our room, including a new pencil sharpener! Our pencils are very excited to be sharpened today!!!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!