Friday, November 1, 2013

Laundry Baskets

for Read to Self...saw this at a workshop and I really want to try it!

It may look strange, but what first grader wouldn't LOVE to have their own space for reading time? I am collecting 5-10 laundry baskets to convert into portable reading homes in our classroom. If you have an old basket or would like to donate one please let me know. I'll be more than happy to take it off your hands!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Storybook Pumpkin

We are so excited for our Pumpkin Book Character at-home project. This is a great way to incorporate reading with fall fun. Instructions for completing your storybook pumpkin went home in your child's red folder today! Please bring your pumpkin to school on Monday, October 27th. They will remain in the libary all week for display! If you would like to pick up your pumpkin in time for Halloween decorations you may do this Thursday! Please know that this project is completely optional and not for a grade....just fun!

I can't wait to see what you create!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Parent Conferences

Good afternoon! I would like to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who has come in for a conference and also a thank you to those that I had to reschedule due to a death in the family. If you have not signed up for a conference please click on the link below and choose a time that will work for you! If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email or call. Note: if you are a Yahoo user I probably will not get your email. For some reason we have been having trouble communicating with Yahoo accounts. So sorry for any inconvienve!

Sign-Up Sheet

Monday, October 14, 2013

Awesome Addition

Today was a fantastic day in 1st grade. Our students did a great job reviewing what we have learned so far regarding adding 2 numbers together. We know that when we ADD, we are joining 2 numbers and making one larger number! Today, we had a chance to turn our number sentences into addition stories! Students got story boards and used cubes to tell a story.

Example: 2 + 4= 6
                2 sharks were swimming and 4 sharks joined them. Now, there are 6 sharks.

This strategy really solidifies a students understanding of what is actually happening when we add. They aren't just numbers floating around in our head!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Reminders and Appreciations

Good Morning All,

We are so excited for our field trip tomorrow. Just a few reminders...
  • WEAR your yellow class t-shirt
  • We are leaving school at 9 to head toward SBF. If you would like to meet us there we would love to have you!
  • Kids recieved a plastic baggie to put their lunch in. Remember it all has to be thrown away before getting back on the bus.
  • Tennis shoes are a must, lots of walking
  • All students must ride the to and from SBF

Have a mentioned lately that we have the BEST class and the BEST parents at Bee Cave! If not, please let me tell you again. I am so thankful to have found this school as my new home and look forward to an amazing year. A special shout out goes to a special parent for donating lot of goodies to our room, including a new pencil sharpener! Our pencils are very excited to be sharpened today!!!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Technology Problem....Fixed??

Some of you have shared that the documents to the side (homework pencil, spelling etc.) were not opening for you. I THINK I have fixed the problem and they should be open to everyone. Crossing my fingers this worked. So sorry fo any inconvienence!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Field Trip Fun

The time has come to prepare for our 1st grade field trip to Sweet Berry Farm. This will be on October 10th. You child will have some info about it in their take home folder today. The cost of admission is $6.50. We need this to be turned in by October 2nd. We please ask that no siblings attend the field trip as this is a special time for your 1st grader. There is NO charge for adult chaperones...yay! For more information see the note in your child's take home folder!

Johnny Appleseed Day

We had a great time celebrating Johnny Appleseed's birthday today! Doing apple experiments and making applesauce was so much fun!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Word Work

Who said word work was boring....NOT ME!!! Work work in first grade can be so much fun! Today, before our spelling test, we broke out the shaving cream for a practice session. The kids loved it and didn't even realize they were still learning. You can do things like this at home as well to practice spelling during the week. HAPPY FRIDAY!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Homework Journal

Flexibility is the name of our game!!! After recieving tons of awesome homework last week I realized that the "homework beast" was bigger than me! I found it very overwhelming to keep track of so many loose papers. Sooo....I stole an idea from the wonderful Mrs. Hughes! We are now starting a homework journal. This is where ALL homework will be completed. We have had wonderful moms volunteer by tearing pages out of our practice math and reading booklets. The homework will be stapled into the journal for each kiddo. Spelling can be completed right behind the stapled sheets on the spiral notebook paper. This will make turning in homework on Friday a breeze!! Reading logs will stay in our red folders! Don't forget to KEEP READING every night! It truly does pay off!

Thanks for understanding the change in homework procedures. If you have anyquestions please email me